ArcLight Connects: the “Joy” of Being a Woman Entrepreneur

There’s something wonderful about being an entrepreneur. Being your own boss and controlling your own destiny is powerful, especially as a woman. There is pride and ownership and independence. There’s flexibility and the ability to make decisions, and take action on them quickly. 

There is also stress, and exhaustion, and periods of self-doubt. It can sometimes be lonely; there’s no one to commiserate with about “the boss” if the boss is you. There’s working more hours than you’d ever work for someone else, and no paid vacations.

And I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

If you want to know more about entrepreneurship and women in tech AND see a really good movie in a really comfy theater, join me along with fellow entrepreneurs Katy Lynch and Jessica Zweig for a screening of “Joy” on November 10. It’s the third in the ArcLight Connects series, which is designed to connect you with local tastemakers. I’ve known and followed the successes of Katy and Jess for years, and it is an honor to be included on this panel.

We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll eat popcorn, and we’ll learn. After the movie the three of us will answer questions about entrepreneurship and the tech biz, and we’ll mix and mingle in the cocktail lounge after the show.

The screening starts at 6:30pm, and you’ll want to make sure you’re there early to enjoy “ArcLight Hour”, the theater’s happy hour deals from 4pm to 7pm Monday through Thursday. These include half-priced appetizers and $5 drinks! ArcLight Cinemas has no in-theater advertising and only five to seven minutes of previews. Happy hour and no ads? More reason to love them!

Date & Time: Thursday, Nov 10th from 6:30-9:30pm

Location: ArcLight Cinemas, 1500 N Clybourn Ave, Chicago, IL 60610

Description: A new program series called “ArcLight Connects” is providing shared movie experiences followed by a Q&A panel discussion  

  • Local tech and lifestyle entrepreneurs continue the series with a special “women in business” event screening of JOY

Tickets Include:  

  • Complimentary regular popcorn & small beverage
  • $250 value raffle prize

Get your tickets here and I’ll see you November 10 – that’ll put some “Joy” in my heart!

This post is sponsored by ArcLight Cinemas, and that makes me very, very joy-ful.






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