Chef's Table at Sabor Saveur a rousing success!

My favorite part of being The Local Tourist is making people happy, so that means last night’s Chef’s Table was a good night. About 30 people checked out Sabor Saveur and Chef/Owner Yanitzin Sanchez’s French-Mexican cuisine. The communal seating and the shared appetizers fostered conversation, and I made the rounds several times pouring Pine(wood?) Chardonnay and Tisdale Cabernet, which just added to the joviality. It was wonderful to see everybody smiling, and the best part was overhearing people say “I’ll definitely be back” on their way out.

Thanks for a fantastic night to everyone who attended, and especially to Chef Yani and Manager Pedro Gutierrez for your fantastic cuisine and service!

Sound like fun? Don’t miss out on the next one! Red Kiva is enticing us with their innovative “Vaportini”, and since April 15 is tax day we may need a cocktail (or two, or three…)







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