Explore the Birth of the Culinary Movement at Eating Vincent Price

Vincent Price is best known for his roles in horror movies during the last century. But did you also know that he, with his wife Mary, is the author of one of the world’s most beloved cookbooks?

Treasury of Great Recipes is a compilation of recipes collected by the famed actor from Michelin-starred restaurants and chefs around the world. Published in 1965, it was designed to bring fine cuisine to the average American, so the recipes were converted into something the average Mad Men-era housewife could create in her own kitchen.

This year is the 50th anniversary of this landmark tome. It’s out of print now, but you can experience these recipes for yourself at an upcoming dinner that features them in a unique and exciting way.

Eating Vincent Price is an evening of cocktails, wine, conversation, and exquisite cuisine. The event opens with craft cocktails prepared by libationist Lauren Patron. Not only do her inventive cocktails make her a Steve Harvey favorite, she’s also the general manager of Bin 36, so you can imagine how perfect her wine pairings will be.

Lauren Parton pouring cocktails

Cocktails are followed by a menu of finely curated selections from the cookbook, prepared by Chicago Chef Aram Reed. Chef Reed returns the recipes to their Michelin-starred glory, and each of the four courses is locally sourced. The paired wines are often from the Vincent Price Estate, and during the meal a copy of the book will be circulated.

At Eating Vincent Price you’ll have a delightful dining experience while catching a glimpse into the birth of the culinary movement in the 20th century.

Tickets are $140 for this unique event. Each dinner is different, and you can attend on April 23, June 25, or July 23 (or all three). The location for each event is kept secret and will be announced to ticket holders 48 hours prior to service.

Every dinner starts with a madman holding a knife - Vincent Price

This post sponsored by Eating Vincent Price, because when a madman with a knife asks you to post something, you do it.







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