One for us: Cook County Sales Tax Rolled Back

This just in: the Cook County Board rolled back the sales tax to 9.75%. It was at 10.25% – the highest in the nation.


TLT follows Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica on Twiter, and he posted updates throughout the process. It’s almost like were were there!


  • Com Claypool is not present at meeting today. I hope that his vote on sales tax repeal will not be a pivotal vote
  • County’s revenues
    mid-way thru FY09 are $31M BELOW projections. Cost savings are about
    $100M at mid-year. Therefore, sales tax s/b repealed.
  • Larry Suffredin is now arguing with county comptroller over his FY10 fiscal projections. This is going to be fun. Stay tuned.
  • Jerry Butler
    accused Greg Goslin of not knowing what he talking about. Butler is
    defending Bureau of Health. Butler opposes reductions.
  • Stroger is now arguing AGAINST the sales tax reduction. He just does not get it.
  • Com Sims is now
    putting on the floor a “compromise half-point reduction” and is
    speaking on behalf of it…she sounds like she may flip.
  • We need Com. Sims vote to keep 14 votes together in order to overide promised Stroger veto. Stay tuned.
  • Com Murphy is now FOR a half-point reduction is sales tax. Com Murphy flipped out way. This is looking promising.
  • Com Murphy and Sims are facing stiff opposition in their districts. Election is around the corner.
  • Com Gorman is in favor of sales tax reduction. No surprise.
  • Com Suffredin is now arguing in favor of a tax reduction. Larry found religion with the election on the horizon.
  • Com Suffredin was the 9th vote to pass this $400M sales tax increase in Feb 08.
  • Com Collins said
    she will not vote “present” today. She sound like she will vote for a
    roll-back. Com Collins seems to have found religion.
  • Com Butler opposes any reductions. No surprise.
  • Following my
    summation in favor of tax reduction, Stroger is now attacking me rather
    than trying to advocate for a reduction. Sad.
  • Daley and Moreno spoke in support of reduction.
  • Roll call is now in progress.
  • Moreno votes AGAINST sales tax reduction.
  • Schneider and Silvestri vote for a reduction.
  • Collins, Gainer, Gorman, Goslin, Maldonado all voted for a reduction.
  • This is big. Sims voted to REDUCE the sales tax. Stroger lost one of his most ardent supporters.
  • Steele voted YES to repeal the tax. Stroger is done.
  • Suffredin and Daley voted for REPEAL.
  • Sales tax repealed on a vote of 13-yes, 3-no, ando 1-absent (Claypool).
    Congratulations taxpayers.






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