“Pic” a Peck of Blueberries: Blueberry Farm Visit for Chicago Photography Center

When I was a kid we used to visit U-Pick-It farms. I’ve got fond memories of those trips, especially the taste of the fresh, ripe fruit that I picked myself. I hadn’t hit my shutterbug days yet, but if I had I bet I would have taken more pictures than I did fruit. Now I can test that theory.

On July 29th the Chicago Photography Center wants you to join them on a trip to Blueberry Dune Farm in Laporte, Indiana. For $25 you can pick (or take pics) of all the blueberries you desire and you’ll have the added bonus of helping the CPC. You don’t even have to have a fancy-schmancy DSLR to enjoy the day. Just bring your friends and a picnic!

Register: https://www.chicagophoto.org/event-registration?ee=329

Photo credit: Simply Bike






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