The Local Tourist Cohosts #FoodieChats Live

A little over a year ago Steve Green began hosting weekly chats on Twitter about food. Every Monday night at 7pm CST  people from all over the world answer questions about what they like to eat and drink, followed by the hashtag #foodiechats. These conversations have become so popular they now have an estimated reach of 52 million people.

This Monday Chicagoans can participate IRL! I’m honored to be cohosting the event at Union Sushi + Barbeque Bar with some of my amazing and influential friends: Johanna Cook, @MommaCuisine; MJ Tam, @Chicagonista; Cece and Melinda, @CeceMelinda; Angela Woody, @angelawoody; and of course the man himself, Steve Green, @stevegogreen.

The evening begins at 6pm with an Instagram contest and Union is providing sushi rolls and barbeque. Bring your smart phone and your appetite!

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