Updates on Grant Achatz's Next Restaurant and Aviary

Back in May we learned that Grant Achatz would be opening a new restaurant concept called Next. Instead of making reservations diners would buy tickets, and each season the menu would change to reflect a different place AND time. Next to Next would be Aviary, a bar without bartenders and an attitude towards cocktails that reflects their neighbor’s obsession with food. There’s been so much excitement about both the video trailer itself has received over 26,000 views on YouTube.

Over the last few weeks they’ve been conducting private tastings of Next dinners and of Aviary cocktails, and this morning we received an email with updates on the progress. “Construction at Next and the Aviary is proceeding smoothly…” Their bartenderless bar will have a cocktail shaker dispenser that will eliminate the need to wash between each cocktail. While that may sound like you’ll be making your own drinks, they have “chefs” who will be serving the libations. That’s how seriously they take their adult beverages.

While they finish up the construction and tighten up the menus they’re waiting for the schedule of approvals from the city. Once they receive those they’ll begin sending emails out to those who registered on their website to invite them to purchase their tickets. The emails will go out in the order of sign up, 250 at a time, so if you were one of the early ones you’ll know first. In the meantime they’re posting videos so you can get an insider’s look into the menu and cocktail development.






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